Archive for the ‘Chuck Norris’ Tag

Iowa’s Bob Vander Plaats is Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris Approved

Last week Governor Mike Huckabee was in Iowa to formally endorse his 2008 state campaign chair, Bob Vander Plaats, for Iowa Governor.  The event turned out a large number of supporters and gave a huge financial boost to the Vander Plaats Campaign.  I am one of the Iowa Team Huck State Coordinators and I volunteered my time to help with this amazing event.

During his speech Huckabee stressed Vander Plaats’ deep convictions on conservative  issues that will not be affected according to which way the wind blows.  He said that Vander Plaats is not a “convenient conservative” but a conservative who lives and breaths those priciples in his everyday life and will advance them as Governor.  This is especially important in the state of Iowa where activist judges unconstitutionally legalized same-sex marriage.  Huckabee made a point to say that Vander Plaats understands the constitution and the separation of powers and will be a Governor who leads in all issues facing Iowans.  Vander Plaats is a former school principal and businessman.  Huckabee also pointed out that Vander Plaats knows how to sign the front of a check and not just the back of one.

Critics have been quick to wonder why Governor Huckabee has stuck his neck out in a primary which may lead to opposition from his party if he runs for president in 2012, but he was quick to point out that wondering what is in it for yourself is what is wrong with politics today.

First of all, if people begrudge me because I am loyal to a friend, then they need to begrudge me — because to me there are things that are more important than political consequences.

Because he believed in what I stood for, and I believe in what he stands for. I don’t think it hurts to stand with a guy like Bob Vander Plaats. But if it does, then let it hurt.

Mike Huckabee is not the only one on the national scene to throw his support behind Bob Vander Plaats for Iowa Governor.  Chuck Norris also came out with an endorsement of him in his Human Events article.

Mike Huckabee News: Parties, Polls, and More!

Tomorrow night Mike and Janet Huckabee will be in Dallas, Texas, for a Vertical Politics Institute kick-off event.  The VPI is dedicated to finding solutions to the many challenges America faces today:  Tax Reform, Energy Independence, Controlling Spending, Health Care Reform, Arts and Education, Sanctity of Life, Traditional Marriage, Environment and National Security.  Chuck and Gena Norris will also be there along with other friends from Huckabee’s past campaign.

Along with being on the national radar with his CPAC speech, Huckabee also made headlines as being in a statistical tie with Sarah Palin in the lasted CNN poll for possible GOP 2012 nominees.  This is the second time that Huckabee has topped a national poll for the 2012 top of the ticket spot.

Also over the weekend there was a great interview with the Governor.  The only mistake the author makes is that Huckabee finished second in the 2008 presidential primaries and not third.

Lastly, the nation wide Huck PAC House Parties were a great success last week.  The volunteers got to meet each other and plan the conservative movement for the future while viewing Huckabee’s vision for Team Huck.

Chuck Norris’ Response to FOCA

I am wondering if President-Elect Barack Obama will govern with his leftist philosophies his first term or wait until he serves a second term.  You know, re-election and all.  Politicians are always on the campaign trail except for a second term president.  Will he sign the Freedom of Choice Act as he promised he would do as soon as he became president?  For the sake of our nation and the Declaration of Independence (“LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”) I hope that Obama leaves intact what inroads the pro-life movement has made into the unconstitutional decision of Roe v. Wade.  This means he will throw Planned Parenthood and all the other henchmen under the bus, but hey, he’s done it before.

Chuck Norris wrote a great article about FOCA today in Human Events.

Barack Obama emphatically promised more than a year ago, “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act.” Will he keep his word?

The Freedom of Choice Act is a sweeping bill that would abolish all pro-life regulations across the nation, from parental notification laws to bans on federal funding of abortions. The Office of the General Counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops identified 13 categories of pro-life laws that would be stampeded and nullified…..

 Read the rest of the article here.