Archive for the ‘abortion’ Tag

The New GOP Sell-Outs

After antics of the latest GOP sell-outs Sarah Palin (who endorsed big government, tax and spend, social moderate, establishment candidate Terry Branstad in the Iowa Governor’s primary) and Mitch Daniels (who said we should put abortion and marriage in a closet until we deal with the economy) it is refreshing to see this statement by Governor Mike Huckabee called The Heartbreaking Truce.

Oh, and by the way, good luck in the 2012 Iowa Caucuses Sarah and Mitch because you are going to need it after these latest stunts.

 I received an astonishing email today from a concerned friend who has been very influential in the fight to end the scourge of abortion.

Apparently, a 2012 Republican presidential prospect in an interview with a reporter has made the suggestion that the next President should call for a “truce” on social issues like abortion and traditional marriage to focus on fiscal problems. 
In other words, stop fighting to end abortion and don’t make protecting traditional marriage a priority.
Let me be clear though, the issue of life and traditional marriage are not bargaining chips nor are they political issues. They are moral issues. I didn’t get involved in politics just to lower taxes and cut spending though I believe in both and have done it as a Governor. But I want to stay true to the basic premises of our civilization.
For those of us who have labored long and hard in the fight to educate the Democrats, voters, the media and even some Republicans on the importance of strong families, traditional marriage and life to our society, this is absolutely heartbreaking. And that one of our Republican “leaders” would suggest this truce, even more so. Governor Daniels is a personal friend and a terrific Governor, and I’m very disappointed that he would think that pro-life and pro-family activists would just lie down.
Are you ready to stop fighting for traditional marriage?  I cannot.  I will not.
Can you let the tragedy of abortion go unchecked while we get our financial house in order?  I cannot.  I will not.
A strong leader doesn’t need to focus myopically on one or two issues – but a strong leader is willing to fight for and defend their principles while rising to meet new challenges and solve all of the existing systemic problems confronting us.

Tebow Super Bowl Ad Super Disappointing

Those of us who champion the social issues and are in the trenches everyday are just aching for leaders who take a stand outside of the 700 Club or TBN.  I’m not asking for a mere human being to save the world from moral decay because we know that there is only One who can do that, but just someone to be the forceful voice in the darkness, our Moses in the wilderness.  But maybe that is asking too much in a nation where Planned Parenthood is building their biggest baby killing factory in the same city as our nation’s largest church.  One would think that Joel Osteen’s church, which draws 43,500 people per service, could cause some uproar against  this factory.  Not so, but what would one expect from a Christian church that doesn’t even have a cross.

This lack of leadership is telling when the statement of a mere beauty queen captured the nation when she stated her belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.  No one has ever been so bold in the secular arena with millions watching.  While what Carrie Prejean did was full of conviction, she has proven to be a flawed vessel just like everyone else.  Not surprising since we are the ones who are flawed but not the One who we follow.

The next fervor to appear was the anticipation of Focus on the Family’s Super Bowl commercial featuring football great Tim Tebow and his mother who was to proclaim her pro-life message of not aborting Tim when it was deemed medically necessary.  Tim Tebow has never been shy about his faith and beliefs but to my knowledge I have never witnessed Focus on the Family pull something so bold.  It was inspiring and I thought, “Yes, finally!”  The left was in an uproar, Planned Parenthood was putting on their armor, and Women’s groups were fearing that their gender would now suffer needlessly from this ad (even though they were okay with the commercials of the girls in the skimpy clothes serving beer).

There was a lot of hoopla for nothing and even though I have gotten countless emails from pro-life and pro-family groups hailing the success of the Tebow commercial, I thought it was a missed opportunity since this Super Bowl broke all records in viewership with a total of 106.5 million people tuning in.  The ad merely showed that life is precious at all stages and all life has potential.  A great message but could there have been more?

Even though I was disappointed in the commercial that Focus on the Family chose to run, I still try to look at the bigger picture.  Perhaps it wasn’t the ad itself that was important but instead it was the weeks leading up to its debut.  What the nation witnessed was the irrational opposition of the pro-aborts to a harmless message that celebrated not only life but free speech.  Another fine representation of the tolerance they champion.  Perhaps those for abortion rights protested too much over this ad.  What were they really trying to hide from the nation?  Perhaps that women are important only if they aren’t in the womb and choice is only celebrated when it doesn’t result in another life.

Maybe they should just stick to protesting the beer commercials.

Abby Johnson Exclusive Interview with Huckabee

I have always been pro-life.  I can’t imagine what a conversion would feel like once you witness a defenseless human being destroyed in front of your eyes.  Abby Johnson tells her story to Gov. Mike Huckabee of quitting her Executive Director position at Planned Parenthood and how it all came about.

Democrats Care About People (Unless You are an Old Person or a Baby)

The other day I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said I vote Democrat because they care about people.  I just had to laugh at the irony of it all.  Care about people?  Really?

The recent poster child for “caring about people” is the aide to Democrat Representative Paul Tonko of New York who admitted while talking about the health care legislation that she gets paid to read the bill for Tonko.  I guess caring about people means that you spend a trillion dollars of your constituents’ money on something you didn’t even read.

The aide then goes on to admit that “probably the best part of the bill is the increase in Hospice care which will solve the prolonging of life issue.”    It looks like Democrats care about people so much that they got both ends of the life spectrum covered.  They dole out money to snuff out life in the beginning stages and now they fund ending life sooner in the later stages.  I guess they only care about you if you meet their criteria of quality of human life.

It all makes sense.  In order for ObamaCare to even remotely work there has to be a fixed amount of people that it can cover.  How do you achieve that?  Promote abortions (which taxpayers will be footing the bill for) and dying with dignity.  To heck with you if it costs too much to keep you alive.  Remember, Democrats care about people.  Hope and Change.

What is Actually Being Highlighted with Tiller’s Murder?

I have been reading statements from various pro-life and Christian organizations denouncing the actions of Dr. Tiller’s murderer and I agree that the death of Tiller at the hands of another citizen outside of the legal system is inexcusable and needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.  However,  Dr. Tiller was a mass murderer and I will grieve for him no more than I would have grieved over the death of Adolph Hitler.  Tiller’s family needs to be prayed for not out of sympathy over the loss their loved one, but for salvation.

By the looks of most statements from my tribe they acknowledge that the pro-life movement suffered a set back because of Tiller’s murder.  One person made a statement that his death is taking over the headlines instead of the death of millions of babies.  I would have to disagree.  When have there been headlines highlighting the murder of innocent babies while still in their mothers’ wombs?  If there was any, I missed them so I don’t believe this incident is taking over the pro-life agenda’s time in the media spotlight.

But is it really Tiller’s murder that is taking over the headlines?  It may be, but I believe that even though the intentions of the media are to drag the pro-life movement through the mud they are also doing the movement a favor.  I have always been pro-life and I have never heard the name Dr. George Tiller until now.  I did not know until his murder happened that there are doctors out there willing to kill a baby who is old enough to be viable outside of the womb.  I did not know until yesterday how these babies are actually destroyed so they cannot be labeled a homicide.  Partial-birth abortion meant nothing to me until I read about it in an article covering Tiller’s murder.  I now know exactly what it is.

How many people out there are like me?  Not realizing what horrors are out there in the field of abortion (and I’m pro-life for crying out loud) and may think it is just a mere scraping of a mass of cells.  While an abortion at that stage is just as wrong, nothing sends the message of wrongness more clearly than aborting a mass of cells that looks like a little doll and has to be killed before leaving the women’s womb because he/she can survive if delivered.  So while trying to link all pro-lifers to the crazy who took Tiller’s life the pro-aborts are also highlighting the murders that their own side allows and advocates.  The peaceful pro-life movement must carry on.

Huckabee’s Advice to Obama on Protecting Children: How About Being Pro-Life?

On FOX News’ Huckabee this past weekend Mike Huckabee pointed out how President Obama could protect children and it wasn’t just by keeping them safe from the Swine Flu.  Huckabee suggested that the President turn this country pro-life and save the children from the biggest killer of them all:  abortion.

Huckabee’s Show: Rick Warren and Kathy Ireland

Once again Governor Huckabee’s FOX News show was the most watched cable television show this past weekend.  I was disappointed when it was announced that Pastor Rick Warren had to cancel his appearance on Huckabee, because I really wanted him to explain his disturbing comments on Larry King about not being anti-gay marriage but yet he encouraged his congregation at Saddleback Church to support Prop 8.  Flip-flop?

I didn’t know what to expect from Huckabee’s other guest, Kathy Ireland.  I was questioning why he was having a super model on his show, but when she was finished speaking I totally understood.  Ireland was once pro-choice, but because of her research into science she has become a strong pro-life advocate.  Her arguments against abortion are compelling and well thought out using the FACTS.

Once again Mike Huckabee had some great closing thoughts.  Don’t worry,  Sunday’s coming.

Huckabee Takes on Steele over Abortion Comments

In a recent interview with GQ newly elected GOP Chairman Michael Steel made comments regarding abortion as an “individual choice” and “the states should make that choice.”  These comments are in direct violation of the Republican Party Platform on the sanctity of life and the support of a Human Life Amendment.  Mike Huckabee took the lead for conservatives and did not hesitate on calling out Steele for his comments.

Comments attributed to Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele are very troubling and despite his clarification today the party stands to lose many of its members and a great deal of its support in the trenches of grassroots politics. Since 1980, our party has been steadfast and principled in believing in the dignity and worth of every human life. We have supported a Constitutional amendment to protect life and the party has taken the position that no one individual has the supreme right to own another person in totality including the right to take that life. For Chairman Steele to even infer that taking a life is totally left up to the individual is not only a reversal of Republican policy and principle, but it’s a violation of the most basic of human rights–the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. His statement today helps, but doesn’t explain why he would ever say what he did in the first place.

Governor Huckabee and Michael Steele were in contact later and Steele clarified his positions.  Now the question is whether or not to believe him.

Strike 2 Mr. Steele

Michael Steele sure knows how to kick himself when he is down.  He was one of the subjects of my post recently regarding the recent disappointments in the Republican party; pro-life failures, RINOs, and the Jerry Springer moments in GOP chairman vs talk radio host.  I didn’t think things could get any worse until Steele uttered these comments to GQ.

How much of your pro-life stance, for you, is informed not just by your Catholic faith but by the fact that you were adopted?

Oh, a lot. Absolutely. I see the power of life in that-I mean, and the power of choice! The thing to keep in mind about it… Uh, you know, I think as a country we get off on these misguided conversations that throw around terms that really misrepresent truth.

Explain that.

The choice issue cuts two ways. You can choose life, or you can choose abortion. You know, my mother chose life. So, you know, I think the power of the argument of choice boils down to stating a case for one or the other.

Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?

Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice.

You do?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Are you saying you don’t want to overturn Roe v. Wade?

I think Roe v. Wade-as a legal matter, Roe v. Wade was a wrongly decided matter.

Okay, but if you overturn Roe v. Wade, how do women have the choice you just said they should have?

 The states should make that choice. That’s what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states. Let them decide.

 Do pro-choicers have a place in the Republican Party?


Make sense of that how you want because he is talking in circles, although I’m not talking about being confused over if he’s pro-life or not.  I’m talking about being confused over what type of choice he wants for abortion.  Is it the woman’s or the state’s choice?  And the real question is why is he the Republican party chairman?  While running for the position he did pledge to uphold the party platform, although given his ties to Christine Todd Whitman I had my doubts on his loyalty to the values of the party.

Steele has since backtracked on what he said and clarified, but it does not explain why he said what he said in the interview.  Misspoke?  This guy is a FOX News contributor known for his communication ability.  Strike #2, Mr. Steele.  Next up, Log Cabin Republicans.

12-Year-Old Speaks Out About Abortion

This post is self-explanatory.  Watch the video and then read the article.  An amazing story.

12-year-old steals day with pro-life speech
Teachers threaten disqualification, but girl chooses to speak against abortion

Despite facing threats of disqualification, a 12-year-old girl took first place in a speech contest when she eloquently argued for the rights of unborn children – after an offended judge quit.

“What if I told you that right now, someone was choosing if you were going to live or die?” the seventh-grader begins in a video recording of her speech on YouTube. “What if I told you that this choice wasn’t based on what you could or couldn’t do, what you’d done in the past or what you would do in the future? And what if I told you, you could do nothing about it?”

The girl, a student at a Toronto school identified only as “Lia,” continued:

“Fellow students and teachers, thousands of children are right now in that very situation. Someone is choosing……

Read the rest of the article here.