Huckabee Leading the Charge Against Health Care Bill

Governor Mike Huckabee is adding his influential voice to other evangelical leaders who have banded together to ignite mass opposition to President Obama’s health care plan.

This weekend’s health care showdown in Congress will test the political clout of evangelical Protestant activists, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who are rushing to muster mass opposition to the Democratic bill endorsed by President Obama.

Dr. Randy Brinson, founder of Redeem the Vote, said evangelical leaders will target first-time voters, including Catholics, particularly in the Midwest, and voters not normally involved in religious or social activism, with an appeal highlighted by an e-mail from Mr. Huckabee.

Over the next few days, Mr. Huckabee’s name, picture and words will appear on what organizers say will be “millions of electronic messages” urging voters to tell lawmakers to stand firm against the health care bill, set for a climactic vote Sunday in the House.

Mr. Huckabee, who ran for the 2008 Republican presidential nod, has teamed up with the Rev. Rick Scarborough of Vision America and Dr. Brinson, a Montgomery, Ala., founder of Optimum Impact LLC, which he describes as the “largest purveyor of e-mail data regarding political messaging.”

“President Obama, [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid are doing everything in their power to push through a health care bill that would mandate federally funded abortions, along with a host of other issues that the American people have clearly said they don’t want,” Mr. Huckabee claims in his e-mail pitch.

Huckabee’s new website has had over 100,000 visitors in under a week who ventured to the website to get the phone numbers of members of Congress so they could voice their opposition.  He has also addressed this disastrous bill on his Fox News show numerous times and his closing thoughts last weekend was another home run.

Time is running out.  Voice your opposition.

2 comments so far

  1. Tom Middleteon on

    All this talk about health care is absurd especially when the government should be concerned about jobs and the economy. Most of the Dem’s have gone nuts. Does anybody up there listen to the voters who put them there to represent us? Jobs and the economy should be on the top of the list of what America needs right now. Why the big push for this terrible, expensive bill? To the people who voted for Obama…you asked for it you got it..Toyota!

  2. mjzoey on

    I can’t wait till Nov and then maybe we can let them know that we want our hopuse back and no no back door deals.

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